God Encounters
Does God actually want to meet us, or does He relatively not care? God wants to have a relationship with us.Ways to Encounter God
Every encounter with God is unique. Start seeking God in His Word:
Matthew 7:7
1 Samuel 3:9
John 10:27
Jeremiah 33:3
Jeremiah 29:12
Philippians 4:9
Psalm 34:16
Psalm 130:1-2
Luke 11:28
John 8:47
Latest Message
"Like Lighting From Heaven"
November 24 2024:
Conquering the Dark Kingdom, (Part 2)
Message Summary
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Encounter God in Reading the Bible
Reading the Bible allows you to meet God through his Word. Take the time to meditate on the passage you read to enable God to communicate with you. Read the same passage in different translations. Seek to understand the general gist of the text.
Encounter God in Prayer
Prayer is an opportunity to communicate with God. Every prayer is an encounter with God. We do not always receive an acoustic answer from God. Jesus Christ is our mediator to God, creating a bridge between us and God, allowing us to sit before the throne of God and personally giving God our message. Combine fasting with intensive prayer to focus on God.
Keep a prayer journal to record requests and praises to God. Showing how God answers prayers.
Encounter God in Quiet Time
Combined with Bible reading and prayer during this time to focus on God. Get a journal to write down your thoughts. Start your time in silence. Thank God for everything that comes to your mind.
Encounter God in Everyday Life
During your everyday life, give thanks to God for everything that happens to you during your day. God is weaving everything together for good. God is in control and hasn’t given up his throne. Seek to see God in everything and thank him for everything. It is beautiful when God intervenes with a miracle.
Encounter God in Music
Music is a great way to praise God. Focus on God and give thanks to God. Put praise music on and worship God.